KIKUYU (pennisetum clandestinum) originated from Kenya and was introduced into Australia around 1920, Many different strains exist and the male sterile type is the predominant type grown by Turf farms throughout Australia.
Kikuyu from Lake Wyangan Turf is a less invasive deeper rooting type, which performs better in our conditions compared to other sterile types. The leaves posses good bunching qualities which exhibit a more even texture. Kikuyu spreads laterally from stolons and underground by rhizomes, Kikuyu grows best in full sun conditions and will survive in light shaded areas. Kikuyu is an extremely hardy lawn, it is hard wearing and will self repair itself if damaged. Kikuyu is an ideal lawn for large domestic or commercial applications.
Fertilization is recommended at the start of every season for a healthy lawn year round. Kikuyu will require weekly mowing in the warmer months, but over winter mowing will be reduced significantly. Heavy frost conditions as experienced in the Riverina will cause Kikuyu to brown off considerably, Kikuyu will green up again as the warmer months commence in Spring. Once established deep infrequent watering is advised to encourage a deep root system.

0429 TURF 4U