0429 TURF 4U
   Turf plays a major role in sustaining a healthy environment. Here are some examples why turf is so beneficial to our environment.
Just 58sq/m of Turf can produce enough oxygen for 1 person per day.
The front lawns of 8 average size house blocks can have the cooling effect of 70 tonnes of air
conditioning. Significantly reducing temperatures around your house. The average household
airconditioning is about 3 to 4 tonnes capacity. 
Turf can reduce allergies by absorbing dust and pollens from other plants that can have serious health
problems for individuals. 
Turfgrass absorbs gaseous pollutants from the atmosphere such as Carbon dioxide and Sulphur
dioxide and converts them to oxygen. 
Turfgrass around buildings is an excellent Fire retardent helping reduce the spread of Fire.
Up to 90% of the weight of a grass plant is in it's roots, this provides excellent soil stabilization
helping to prevent soil erosion.
Turfgrass purifies water, the root mass and soil microbes act as a filter to capture and break down
many types of pollutants and also reduce water run-off.
Lawns established from turf can absorb 10 to 12 times more water than seeded lawns this continues
even after 2 years of growth.
Attractive lawns offer appeal, which prompt potential homebuyers to visit the inside of a house.
Studies indicate a 15% increase in home value or selling price when a property is complemented by
an attractive landscape.